Atlantic Cup Day 9

It was another rough night.  There was another low coming off of Georgia just where we were.  Dan saw heat lighting.  The wind picked up to 25 knots and had confused seas due to the wind shifts.  We were trying to hit the waves on a 45 degree angle, but that did not always happen.  The bow went under the water numerous times.  During my watch we were on the cusp of the front.  By 8:00 am we managed to get out of the front and the wind shifted to the NE.  We headed north for a little while to stay clear of the front.  Around 11:00 am we were heading west again and the winds were very lite.  We were still motor sailing.  By 4:00 pm we were under sail alone again.  It was blowing 10 to 15 knots.  It felt fantastic!  We kept seeing multiple sailing jellyfish.  We also were blessed with dauphins again.

Talking to Herb today, we found out that the low coming from the north was 800 miles wide.  He said we had to get to 77 longitude to be in safe waters.  We were at 74.  Luckily we were sailing due west and west we go!  The winds picked up to 12 to 18 knots and we were going an average of 7.0 knots.  Giddie up!  I email Jon to see if he could send us an image of the low, so we could see what we are actually dealing with.  He sent me an image quickly.  It was massive!!!  We had great sailing all through the night!