November 6, 2012

We are having a beautiful morning. Sun is up and we are sailing 5 to 6 knots. Crew is feeling good and we all finally got some sleep. Looks like we are going to have a good fishing day!
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Carib 1500 2012

Hello Jim,
Hope the sailing is going well. Looking forward to hearing first hand a report covering this adventure

I love my brother and sister!!!

thanks for calling from the ocean!! tomahawk and mom and dad said hi, cooper and wayne said you guys are last on the map...... (kids say it like they see it)
Just kidding we thought it was pretty funny. going to camp this weekend to hang out and bring home a new to me edger for the sawmill!!!
Love you guys and we are so proud of you all.
Keep on trucking

Go Big Brother Go!


Hope Jim is feeling Ok. Im thinking about you. Stay safe.

Sailing past the Gulf Stream...

Hi Everyone,

It sounds fantastic, way better than waiting for Nor'easter and snow to arrive in Amish Country tomorrow....geez.

Stay well.........Tom

Nice Updates

It's great to see your updates via satellite phone. Enjoy and be safe.


Thank you for the update! Hope you catch loads of fish and have great winds all day.

Stay Strong

Hi Paul and Monica,
It looks like the winds have been circling around you a bit. Hope you and the crew are doing well. Tell Jim "hi" for me. We're track'n ya!